Consumers are becoming more involved in their healthcare decisions and as a result, they are asking more questions. Many of these questions are related to the needs of the elderly and they are being directed to people who are not necessarily equipped to answer them.
While most Trusted Advisors have a degree of comfort when it comes to things such as estate planning and managing client portfolios, when it comes to making sure elderly clients are healthy and secure in their homes, it’s often a different story.
Carolina Premier Homecare has been providing home care services to assist seniors in maintaining or improving their quality of life. From an initial assessment to providing the highest quality of service, Carolina Premier Homecare professionals help you bring health, safety, and quality of life information and services to your clients in a manner that protects you and optimizes your client resources.
We’ve prepared a handy discussion guide for Trusted Advisors to use in consulting with their clients. It’s designed to help Advisors identify issues of importance and compare the consequences of the different choices of care that are available at local Carolina Premier Homecare franchise locations.